Thursday, July 4, 2013

I am strong...I am invincible..I am woman!

Time is definitely a challenge for us gals isn't it?

Lets face the facts and then blame Eve... after all it's really her fault. Why couldn't she just leave the damn apple alone.

Thanks to her we start out  life on an equal playing field with the fellas.As time goes by things start to change. One day ..out of the blue..your mother comes to your room or in my case the bathroom (the majority of my adolescence was spent soaking in a bubble bath) to fill you in on natures plan. It takes a while  for one to recover from the horror she shares.  Then it's turns into a waiting game. The day finally comes and the eagle lands. You proudly think "I'm a woman now" just minutes before the death cramps start only to return every  month for the next 40 years. I remember there was a lot of  emotions and  trauma too. One negative thing that was burned into my memory for eternity was  going to the drugstore to purchase a box of pads. They were discreetly wrapped in brown paper (like that was fooling any one). The minute the  male pharmacist handed the box to me I felt like the world knew Janie Kyle had her period. Ugg!  Believe me when I say one rejoiced more then I over the creation of the "Tampons"

Once we finally get accustomed to the "Curse" we enter a new stage "The Child Bearing Years".
I know that anyone who's given birth can appreciate the beauty of that process. You hold your precious bundle of joy..10 little finger ..10 little toes. document their first steps..first word (If you have a daughter.. there will come a time.. down the road.. when you'll wonder why you ever encouraged her to talk). Along with the bundle of joy comes the baby weight. You will spend the next 20 odd years struggling to get that  pre baby body back. Even if you walk out of the hospital in your skinny jeans ..there is always a change.

So now we fast forward ..after spending the last 20 years trying to get the body back the way it was.. you're just turning 40. Things are looking up... you're finally getting somewhere Yup.. you're looking good. Smack! The curse strike again. We are now  peri menopausal..lucky us. The kicker this time is..  it happens right around the time our daughters turns sixteen and their  hormones are running a muck. Suddenly your happy home is a war zone. You walk around with clenched fist..a vein popping out of your forehead.. ready to kill at the slightest provocation. The kids call you "Drama" while you're fantasising about ripping their hearts out through their nose. You don't understand what's happening!! For no reason at all your breaking out into a sweat ..laughing one minute.. sobbing the next.You can't breath and sleep is a thing of the past. The family is walking around the house in  winter coats.. hats.. and gloves while you're outside in a tank top and cut off shorts shoveling snow.No one dares to turn on the heat or close a could mean instant death. How about those mood swings huh..aren't they the best?? That body you worked so hard to get back into shape is now doing things that you can't even fathom, Suddenly you're looking a lot like your mother..there's no more waist line and your shopping at Chico's instead of Forever 21. We won't mention the unsightly hair growth. Of course may be lucky enough to have a granddaughter that notices the changes and points them out to you at the most embarrassing moments. Damn her and her bright.. precocious ways.Well least she got my back..I think?
 So are you  thinking "what do we have to look forward to in the future?" I'm not really sure. This is  sort of a learn as you go  kind of thing and I haven't gotten that far yet.
All I know is we owe it all to Eve... I hope that f___ing apple was worth it.

Fitness tips for menopause: Why fitness counts

Regular physical activity is crucial for women facing menopause. Consider what physical activity can do for you — and how to apply fitness tips for menopause to your daily routine.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Menopause is an important transition in a woman's life. Use it as a reminder to take good care of yourself. Start by considering these fitness tips for menopause.

Why bother with fitness during menopause?

Whether you've exercised faithfully for years or you haven't been active, physical activity during and after menopause offers many benefits. For example, regular physical activity can:
  • Prevent weight gain. Women tend to lose muscle mass and gain abdominal fat around menopause. Even slight increases in physical activity can help prevent weight gain.
  • Reduce the risk of breast cancer. Physical activity during and after menopause can help you lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight, which might offer protection from breast cancer.
  • Strengthen your bones. Physical activity can slow bone loss after menopause, which lowers the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Reduce the risk of other diseases. Menopause weight gain can have serious implications for your health. Excess weight increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Regular physical activity can counter these risks.
  • Boost your mood. Physical activity can improve your psychological health at any stage of life.
Exercise is defiantly the key if for nothing else rage release!!

I am heading to Weedport N.Y. today for a "Kyle Family" wedding. I'm looking forward to good food ..good times and quality time celebrating with family.It's long over due. Have a great day ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. FYI..some just shared this with me. Might be worth a try.
    "I take Rainbow Light Menopause One multivitamin. Haven't had a hotflash since I started taking them."
