I didn’t discover curves; I only uncovered them.
Mae West
Twiggy..Kate Moss ..the Olsen twins...along with a bunch of other extremely thin and childlike body types the represent beauty in the media today. The so called shapely women of Hollywood are a size 6. This is a hard act to follow yet the majority of America's young women aspire to do just that.
Today I went to the gym. I had an appointment to meet with a trainer the gym provides to get a personlized workout program set up.
As I walk through the door...waiting for me was a 20yr old young lady wear spandex workout clothes that left nothing to the imagination. I'm gonna call this little gum popper "Daisy" because of her blond hair ..blue eyes..giggle after every sentence..ways. She was just so sweet..right?
As I do the required questioner..I start to see that this isn't going to go well. She asked why did you come to the gym? Hmm...we're at the gym..I'm dressed to sweat...I don't know ..Knitting class?
I tell her to strengthen and tone. Then she says..let's get your weight..come over and stand on the scale (giggle)... I do as I'm asked ( hating every minute)...she also takes my height...then she says with a frown "well your in the high end of your percentile". What the hell am I.. a toddler? OK..now I have to confess... I really hate being checked out by someone who is super thin...with no hips and a padded bra.I feel all fat and old..not my goal mind you.
She then proceeds to set up my goal chart. On this she write needs to lose 15 lbs. Ah no... no Daisy.. I don't want to lose a pound, I weigh 130 and I'm 5'5 that is just fine. She rolls her eyes ..pops her gum and let out this (if it were my kid I'd slap them) sigh. I try to stay centered and say "all I want.. is to get an exercise program to tone and strengthen". Daisy then tells me that I should weigh 115 at the highest.(giggle..pop). I could have smacked her right then and there. Instead I very calmly said.."Get rid of the gum until we're finished...it's not professional". I then inform the gum popping Daisy that"I have no intention of getting any thinner. What I weigh now is fine..any less I'd be emaciated."
Daisy became upset ( not sure if it's because she had to throw away her gum or that I wouldn't agree to her directives) and gave me attitude. I said"lets go ask some of the guys what they think."
Daisy.. not a happy camper.. stated" It's not our policy to disturb the other patrons of the gym" and went over to the desk and to tell on me.A gentleman trainer came over and asked if there is a problem, Um..Yes there is. I explained my issues about weight loss. He told me that is the guideline they follow as trainers.
I.. being me.. said "I don't care" and then went about the gym asking older men ...younger men..straight and gay men their views on the subject . It was unanimous..they all prefer curves vs. skin and bones.Some of the gentlemen where very explicit about just where those curves should be too!
I was validated! I love my curves and don't want to be any different.
The reason I go to the gym is to tone up not lose my curves. I just want to be healthy and fit. Why do I have to be super thin? Who decided that is the "Look"?
I look at the most famous "Beautiful women" in history and they are all voluptuous and curvy. I think it's a shame we as women feel inadequate because we aren't the magazine version. I would love a magazine that portrays the real woman and show their beauty. I would love for young girls to aspire to be healthier and fit instead of thin and waif like. I would love a magazine that teaches women beauty comes in all shape and sizes but the real beauty comes from with in.
Love of one self and confidence in themselves is really where beauty comes from.. that with out it ..the shell may look like a beauty queen yet be the ugliest of people.Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in you eyes. It is not something physical. ~ Sophia Loren
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