Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What ever happened to " I'll kick your ass?"

“I don't want everyone to like me; I should think less of myself if some people did.”
― Henry James

So what the heck is up with people theses days anyway huh!  Face book ..twitter ..texting
and blogging has apparently given some people a false sense of reality.
They are trying to create a reality that makes them look like something or someone they're not.
Now ..I can only speak for the bloggers I know personally. I am not calling out everyone who blogs.
I am also not calling anyone a liar but a twister of the truth. There is enough of the reality to make it believable so I will call it ..The bible according to  place name here.
For those who don't know me let me explain. I feel the bible is a wonderful book with good insight to living a healthy life. I don't.believe it's the word according to Jesus.I believe it's the interpretation of someone who heard Jesus speak.
 Do you remember the telephone game? The one where someone tells the next person in line something and then when it's gotten to the last person it's been twisted into something so far from what was originally said.. it's barley recognizable? This is how I feel about Face book and some blogs.
I love the entertaining blogs..informative ones..the beautiful ones about parents with children who have  issues basically positive up beat ones. (If I want  to hear about problems and depression I'll watch the 5 O'clock news.)
I am talking about the ones who use the Internet to complain or attack others.
I can't believe that something that should be so fun.. has become a tool to insult and humiliate people. What's with the strangers comments? They're quick to  agree with the poster ..when they haven't a clue to what really happened or about the other person character? Let's stop feeding  this madness..idiots!
I wonder what would happen if no one voiced any opinions on these post? Hmm... would the poster get the message? Most times the people reading the post don't know the real person they're admiring. They met in cyber land and only know the fabricated version . More times then not they are the polar opposite of that fabrication..
The false bravado that people get hiding behind the computer just bewilders me.
What happened to people? Why do they think it's "OK" to say things on the Internet they would never have the balls to say in person? Why are they such cowards?
I have been sitting back and reading different things posted by people I know. I feel so embarrassed for them. Do they really think we can't see the truth? Why do they  need to use the media to build up their self esteem? It's sad and a little scary too.Targeting people behind the computer is cowardly!
Think about it...if you can't say it to the person face maybe it shouldn't be said?
The first thing I think when I read post expressing animosity toward another is "What have you done that you feel the need to justify yourself in this post?".
If some one has something to say why not say  it straight to the persons face. Don't come through the back door.. hiding behind the computer. I detest this passive aggressive crap. Stop being a coward ..meet  face to face and duked it out. Yes..sometimes the earrings may come off...our hair will go back in a ponytail and we will break out the Vaseline but more  times then not you will clear the air and become friends.
Using the cyber media prevents each side the opportunity to share their feelings in an open "Private" discussion. 
 Cyber bullying is at an all time high. Oddly some of the adults who click like on the post against cyber bullying are cyber bullies themselves. Ain't that an ass kicker?
Now.. I'm not suggesting we all have to be friends. Frankly.. I have a long list of people that I choose to hold at a distance. I would never ..no matter how I feel about them ..put them on the chopping block to build myself up..or justify my actions. That's just wrong.
Too bad we can't all follow the wise advice of Rosie Joan "if you can't find something nice to say... then be silent! "
 Maybe Steve Jobs didn't do us such a great favor after all.

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