Thursday, July 4, 2013

If not for the kindness of friends...

This is a new day..a new blog.I have some passions that I'd like to share. I recently started sharing through my FB inbox with several people that are like minded. I was trying to get a support group together for those of us that find comfort in camaraderie while working toward our goals. A forum to voice frustrations..share successes..along with tips that worked for us. It was suggested with kindness and very diplomatically.. I might add... that instead of making their phones ding every time I found something interesting to me (which is about a thousand times a day)..I find another avenue to share. Thank you for saying it so nicely Karen. I'm sure that the rest of the ladies appreciated it as well. So here I am.  Now.. I'm far from winning any literary typing and sentence structure are horrendous. This is more of a public diary I guess. You have my promise I will do my best to keep it G rated.
 I love to cook.I'm really into health and wellness and I'm hoping to share some of my passions.What I read  on the subject and how I feel about it. Read my stuff if you like. I'm open to information as well and hope you will share. Please be kind and we will get along famously.
Just to be clear the recipes and articles are things that I have found or others have shared with me. I am not a writer..but I am an information junkie.I find myself constantly reading and researching things.The information I post will be someone elses.
I don't know where your from but here in Conneticut the weather is HOT..MUGGY and MISERABLE!
I posted some refreshing drinks that I I found on line that I love.
The Lavender Lemonaid came from a blogger it's just fabulous!
2-1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers
2-1/2 cups cold water
1 cup lemon juice
Ice cubes
In a large saucepan, bring water and sugar to a boil. Remove from the heat; add lavender. Cover and let stand for 1 hour.
Strain, discarding lavender. Stir in cold water and lemon juice. Serve over ice. Yield: 6 servings.
I juiced fresh lemons for mine was so refreshing.
This I really don't remember where I found it so I can't give credit where credit is due and I apologize.
- Make about ½ quart (about ½ liter) chamomile tea and leave to cool
- Juice 5-6 oranges
- 2 limes
- Honey or stevia to taste
- ½ teaspoon of sea salt (optional)
- Tear some mint leaves
- Mix all in a jug and stir
- Add crushed ice if desired
This one I found on a Heart Healthy Website.

Drink-Blackberry Ice Tea
6 cups water
12 blackberry herbal tea bags
8 3-inch-long cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 cup unsweetened cranberry juice
Sugar substitute, to taste
Ice cubes, crushed

In a large saucepan, heat water to just before boiling. Add tea bags, 2 of the cinnamon sticks and ginger. Remove from heat, cover and let steep for about 15 minutes.
Pass the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve, placed over a pitcher. Add the juice and sweetener to taste. Refrigerate until very cold.
To serve, fill 6 tall, chilled glasses with crushed ice. Pour the tea over the top of the ice and garnish with cinnamon sticks. Serve immediately.

They are all thirst quenching on a hot summer day!

Happy 4th of July to you all. Be safe ..Be happy...please don't drink and drive. The life you save may be mine!



  1. great janie!! so glad you started this....i have a blog i haven't posted to in forever...hmmmm..maybe this will give me some incentive to get out of my funk!! looking forward to your posts......xoxo susan

  2. here it is janie...

